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Atomy LIP GLOW 魅惑润唇膏 【玫瑰增强保湿SPF15+】

Atomy Rose Enhanced Moisturizing Lip Care 3 in 1 :

SPF 15 + Makeup + Lip Care

To include Essence Ingredients more than 50% it moisturize lips perfectly.

Product has the following charateristics:

1. Eco Certified, contains luxury Rose Essential Oil

2. SPF15 against UV and protect your lips from drying and peeling.

3. Contain Rosehip Oil, Rose Oil, Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil for maximum moisturing effect and protection to your lips.

4. Color intensity of lip glow responses to level of moisture.



新款 艾多美 防晒唇膏SPF15 产品特点:

1.通过eco cert认证,含有丰富的玫瑰精油成分

2.SPF15的防晒功效,预防因紫外线照晒而造成的干燥脱皮及提早老化的现象 3.含有百分之50以上的精华成分,给予双唇长久的滋润及完美的保护,改善唇部的幼纹甚至干裂的现象,令唇部长时间保持柔软润滑.



Atomy Lip Glow SPF15

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